Saturday, April 05, 2003

~My New Home~

We move in on the 11th. I am so happy.
Of course it'll be a little scary but I think I'm ready for it. I've never lived with a boy before! I hate telling people I'm moving in with my boyfriend though. Don't get me wrong..... Here, allow me to explain my view.
I was brought up in a Christian home that told us "living in sin" is.... (redundant!) Anywho, have no fear fellow sinners, I don't agree with it as a policy BUT I do agree with the fundamental idea which is, to my knowledge, living with someone 24/7 that you're *sharing the same bed with* (SORRY MUM!) isn't a great idea unless it's a long term (ie. forever) commitment. Several reasons why. The first and most obvious being the breakup sucks. You have to move as well as lose the person who is closest to you (if your relationship is a good one). Too much emotional upheaval. (Did I spell that correctly?) There are other reasons.... security, stability, etc.
My boyfriend and I talked way in the beginning of our relationship. Of course. We had to.... I lived in Winnipeg, he lived in Edmonton..... what else were we to do? I told him I never wanted to move in with someone unless we were eventually going to get married. Nothing has changed.
Which brings me back to what I said. I don't want to tell people I'm moving in with my boyfriend not because I don't want people to know I'm "shackin' up" but because as soon as they here the word boyfriend, they assume we have the same relationship most girls have with their boyfriends at my age. Which is fine. I don't think badly of anyone who has "that" relationship and I'm not trying to say we're better than that. For my standards for myself, morally and ethically, not to be pious and righteous but to preserve my already very unstable, rocky emotional health, I don't want anyone to think I'm just casually living with some guy I find nice at the time and will eventually leave and move one with my life, only to move in with someone new. (Holy.... me and my run-ons.)
To sum up, I don't like calling him my boyfriend. There only seems to be 3 things you can call a guy in your life. Boyfriend, fiancé, or husband. To me, he's none of these things. Technically, no, we aren't engaged (just waitin' on the rock!) but "boyfriend" doesn't give our relationship the "oomph" is deserves. I'd rather be telling people I'm moving in with my fiancé.... but I don't have one.
Yep, I've rambled on enough about that.
So, everything except the dining set is purchased. I'm ready. Just gotta pack up a few more tidbits and I'm out!
It's going to be so good to have a place to call home finally! I've been feeling homeless since I moved out of my parent's house in St. George. Most people, when they leave home for school or whatever, they can go back to their parents to feel at home. My parents moved 2 days after I did! Then I had "a home base" as my mom calls it at my friend, Tara's parents place that I could go to at Christmas and other times when I needed to have a home to go to. They moved in June. My parents now live so far away and have their new house I never lived in . Apartments aren't homes but only temporary living spaces. NOW, I'm going home. It'll be great!
I'll fill you in.... (I'm sure you can't wait!)

(originally posted to my geocities website - exact date unknown) 

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