Saturday, August 13, 2011

lack of sleep makes you do weird things

i never went to bed last night. of course, i didn't wake up until around 4pm yesterday so it's not like i'm exhausted but the human body (at least the over-30 body) was not made for being awake during the dark hours and stay awake throughout the next day. it's 11:35am right now. i'm on my second cup (GIANT cup) of tea and i have the "i-haven't-slept-yet" shakes. my mental functions might be a little whack too ~but i can't tell since i'm not objective.
so, what does one do while they're up all night? find their old waste-of-cyberspace blogs and read the old posts. apparently, i had a live journal account that i actually wrote in. i completely forgot about it. now that i think of it, i can't even remember how i got there tonight... i couldn't remember my username either and the email linked to it is no longer. eventually, i figured it out. i am and have always been a creature of habit so there are really only half a dozen names it could have been. the password was the easy part.
it's actually a culmination of several pre-blog era blogs. online journals, as they were called. i had many accounts on several sites that no longer exist. i had a bebo account, hi5 (does that still exist?), asianavenue, etc. there also used to be this msn community thing. long before i had my geocities website (god, i miss that!), i made this community. it was actually pretty cool. well, i didn't make it. it was a template that you just filled out basic stuff. not even as complex as geocities. but i made good use of it! i seem to remember they sent out a warning that they were going to shut it down, just like geocities did so i copied all the postings i and my "members" had made and added them to my live journal account by back dating them. i did that with the other accounts too just so everything would be all in one place.
i'm thinking that i would like to do the same here. i mean, move all the stuff from live journal to here. i don't use it anyway (except i did today ~ just for fun).
well, if you see any entries older than april 19, 2005, that's what i did. ...i wonder if you can backdate that far?

Current Location: same place i've been for the past 12 hours
Current Mood: twitchy
Current Music: still weezer

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