Monday, November 09, 2009

The Secret

I’m watching the first twenty minutes of The Secret on YouTube… I believe in the law of attraction ~ but more so how your thoughts are projected through your body language and facial expression. ie. negative thinking will attract negativity because you exude it ~ confidence makes people respect you…
I’ve been a negative person. I’ve often thought things like, “I have nothing to offer” or “My friends don’t care about me”, etc. These thoughts have indeed manifested. Even if it was a little bit before, it has gotten worse since I was focused on it. So, I have an idea. A lot of therapists tell you to repeat positive things over and over and then you will begin to believe them. So, in order to “empower” myself as they are saying, I want to write a short mantra or perhaps a few and print them out, post them, and read them out loud to myself everyday. Sort of an audio visual board. I made my vision board on my computer desktop as Oprah suggested but I haven’t believed it was possible. But, with repetitive statements about myself, it seems simpler. I’m thinking statements like “I am a good friend.”, “I have the strength to stick to a healthy routine.”
Meditation will also be beneficial, I think. No meditation that yogis do but just picking a happy thought, listening to a powerful piece of music and just holding onto it and pushing all else from my mind. Picture myself being how I want to be. Unlike the people in this film, I don’t want power, tons of money, etc. My main goals are happiness, health, harmony, and love. I want to lead a simple lifestyle, low on stress. I want to have meaningful connections with people. I want to make an impact on the world not so my name will be known but so people in general are happier and more considerate of others. I want to help in the healing of the earth. 
I will begin tomorrow (well, technically today! Haha ~ it’s already almost 5 am). I’m not going to make a long list of things I want to do… because I don’t want to feel badly about myself if I can’t check them off. I’m simply going to write down 3 “mantras” to say to myself once a day (or more, if I feel like it), print them out and post them somewhere I’ll see them. To start with, how about “I am in a good mood”, “Today is a good day”, “I am blessed”. Simple enough, right?
…I wonder what types of things Kate Gosselin has posted around her house these days. She used to have a lot of that. I really feel for her and truly admire her integrity throughout the past year. (I have so much to say about it all but now is not the time…) One written “vision” I can add for now is that I want to have a good conversation with Kate Gosselin someday. I like her and hope she and her children go on to have happy, peaceful lives. 

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