i got 93% on my first REAL university test! how much do i rock!?
seriously though, how the hell did that happen?
Monday, November 07, 2005
time once again wasted
i just thought of something...
there's no way that the bride of frankenstien would ever have gone for him. she's way better looking than he is. what's up with that anyway? why do you always see couples where one is attractive and the other painful to look at... take jay and i for example. it's okay for me to be yucky cause i don't plan to have kids. but i think that ugly people should not breed with pretty people. keep the uglies together and the hotties together. when ugly spawns baby of hottie... disaster can only occur. keep the population pretty!!
so, i never actually read (or watched) frank... did they end up together despite their differences?
hey, maybe it's better planning than i had thought. ugly people are generally nice and pretty people are shallow and stupid. maybe the ugly parent is to teach the kids the ways of the world and what-have-you? no, cause ugly people make ugly babies regardless of pretty partners, right? or just average at least. hmph... one of life's great mysteries.
there's no way that the bride of frankenstien would ever have gone for him. she's way better looking than he is. what's up with that anyway? why do you always see couples where one is attractive and the other painful to look at... take jay and i for example. it's okay for me to be yucky cause i don't plan to have kids. but i think that ugly people should not breed with pretty people. keep the uglies together and the hotties together. when ugly spawns baby of hottie... disaster can only occur. keep the population pretty!!
so, i never actually read (or watched) frank... did they end up together despite their differences?
hey, maybe it's better planning than i had thought. ugly people are generally nice and pretty people are shallow and stupid. maybe the ugly parent is to teach the kids the ways of the world and what-have-you? no, cause ugly people make ugly babies regardless of pretty partners, right? or just average at least. hmph... one of life's great mysteries.
damn spammers
damn you!
i had to turn on the comment verification ~ sorry.
if you leave an actual comment i will post it. if you're leaving me a personal message, you're better off just emailing me. save the comments for comments about what i wrote.
spam makes baby jesus cry!
i had to turn on the comment verification ~ sorry.
if you leave an actual comment i will post it. if you're leaving me a personal message, you're better off just emailing me. save the comments for comments about what i wrote.
spam makes baby jesus cry!
an e-mail to everyone
From: me
Subject: "novemberance" day message
Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2005 23:58
I've been thinking about the war and what the soldiers fought for and what my generation takes for granted and what Canadians take for granted lately. We see so many people streaming in from war-torn countries and if you ever talk to anyone of them, they're amazed by Canada and our rights. To think that in some countries, they tell you what to wear, eat, think. Lately, it's been harder and harder to work in retail when I see young girls whining to their parents that it's not fair that they can't have a $200 pair of jeans. Although I can never understand the actions of 9-11, I can almost understand the frustration. Other countries can see it. Why can't we?
Anyway, all these thoughts have been mulling in my brain for a long time - since the passing of my grandfather and 9-11 - and I recently received an e-mail from my Auntie Deb which prompted me to put my thoughts down. (Thanks!) I wanted to pass them along to my friends and family in the hopes that this Remembrance Day we can all, if only for just one day, be TRUELY thankful for what the soldiers in WWII won for us. Even if you don't have any family members, alive or passed, who were in the war - take a look around and see what we have. Say a prayer for those who don't have. (And if you do have a living relative who fought in the war, give them a hug and say thanks while they're still here.)
Dear Grandpa,
I wanted to thank you but I never got the chance. I didn't understand in time. You've been gone for a few years now and since then, I've come to realize what you did for me. Before, it was always "just a day" when we'd go to assemblies in school and hear poems and songs or we'd go to see you lay your wreath. Now that I'm older and have seen a little bit more of the world I realize what "freedom" really means... and how I've always taken it for granted.
You lived in a time when your freedom was threatened and you believed in something. You went to war to fight and to defend what we view as a right. You never talked about your experience or lectured about what you had given up for me. You went to war in the hopes that I would never need to know. Yet, it must have hurt you to see me growing up and taking it all for granted. I was oblivious to your sacrifice.
Since you've been gone, I realize the lesson you taught me without saying a word. The vision of you walking across the stage, still so proud after all the years, will stick in my mind. You didn't die in the war but your death taught me what the war was about.
I will not forget.
Subject: "novemberance" day message
Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2005 23:58
I've been thinking about the war and what the soldiers fought for and what my generation takes for granted and what Canadians take for granted lately. We see so many people streaming in from war-torn countries and if you ever talk to anyone of them, they're amazed by Canada and our rights. To think that in some countries, they tell you what to wear, eat, think. Lately, it's been harder and harder to work in retail when I see young girls whining to their parents that it's not fair that they can't have a $200 pair of jeans. Although I can never understand the actions of 9-11, I can almost understand the frustration. Other countries can see it. Why can't we?
Anyway, all these thoughts have been mulling in my brain for a long time - since the passing of my grandfather and 9-11 - and I recently received an e-mail from my Auntie Deb which prompted me to put my thoughts down. (Thanks!) I wanted to pass them along to my friends and family in the hopes that this Remembrance Day we can all, if only for just one day, be TRUELY thankful for what the soldiers in WWII won for us. Even if you don't have any family members, alive or passed, who were in the war - take a look around and see what we have. Say a prayer for those who don't have. (And if you do have a living relative who fought in the war, give them a hug and say thanks while they're still here.)

Dear Grandpa,
I wanted to thank you but I never got the chance. I didn't understand in time. You've been gone for a few years now and since then, I've come to realize what you did for me. Before, it was always "just a day" when we'd go to assemblies in school and hear poems and songs or we'd go to see you lay your wreath. Now that I'm older and have seen a little bit more of the world I realize what "freedom" really means... and how I've always taken it for granted.
You lived in a time when your freedom was threatened and you believed in something. You went to war to fight and to defend what we view as a right. You never talked about your experience or lectured about what you had given up for me. You went to war in the hopes that I would never need to know. Yet, it must have hurt you to see me growing up and taking it all for granted. I was oblivious to your sacrifice.
Since you've been gone, I realize the lesson you taught me without saying a word. The vision of you walking across the stage, still so proud after all the years, will stick in my mind. You didn't die in the war but your death taught me what the war was about.
I will not forget.
lest we forget,
rememberance day,
Thursday, August 18, 2005
tech savy-less
Apparently something is wrong with my website so I can't put up the picture of the loyalty character but when it's working, I will. (it used to be that a picture had to be online in order for you to embed it within a blogger posting but they changed that quite some time ago so that you can just upload it from your pc ~ good thing too now that geocities is gone and i no longer have a website!)
p.s. The reason I want "loyalty" tattooed to my body is that it is a very important virtue to me. I consider myself to be a very loyal friend/girlfriend/sibling, etc. It's something I expect and require of all the people I consider to be my best-whatevers.
p.s. The reason I want "loyalty" tattooed to my body is that it is a very important virtue to me. I consider myself to be a very loyal friend/girlfriend/sibling, etc. It's something I expect and require of all the people I consider to be my best-whatevers.
Oh, God, I love tea! Although, the date on the milk was the 12th. I should be okay, right? Well, we'll soon find out. I hate cankers! I've discovered that the only way for me to combat a canker is with hot tea. Voila!
I'm sitting here at the computer, wearing my insanely comfortable pucca slippers and a ratty old chixdiggit sweatshirt that USED to be black but is now a dingy charcoal with bleach stains on it (not from me), on my first day off in what seems like months (due to the drama surrounding the situation with a coworker who shall remain nameless to protect her privacy and little sanity left to her), but in actuality is only a week. Whilst perusing through my very long list of "links to check out thorougly before deleting" - otherwise known as "favourites", I thought to myself "why am I wasting my time reading through people's blogs that I don't know and aren't very interesting anyway when I haven't added a THING to my own blog in ages?". So, here I am. I don't really have anything to do on this glorious day off. I'm just doing some laundry and intend on cleaning the apartment.
What's new? Hmmmm.... I bought my wedding dress. Ssshhh! Don't tell Jay! It's actually what I plan to wear if we don't happen to have the big budget ceremony of my dreams with my custom wedding dress that I designed myself. This one I bought was on $79 (plus tax) and would work quite nicely if we do the simple civil service and if I lose 10 pounds or several inches off my waist. It's a white chinese dress. I didn't think they actually existed without the black or silver or gold through the embroidery! It's nice too. It has the simple cherry blossom embroidery pattern on it. Geena and I came across another one but the pattern was very heavy and it had pink piping all around it. Uck.
Anywho, I had seen this dress, like, a year ago and had been thinking about it ever since. It was at a store on Yonge Street that I frequent (because they have lots of cool asian gifties and "things" - incidentally the name of the store). I hadn't been back for awhile - obviously. Geena and I were downtown and we were heading up Yonge for bubble tea. It was SO freaking humid that I had to stop at least once a block to go into an air-conditioned space. It was on the way so I thought I'd stop in just to see if they still had it. YAY! Crazy asian sizing though. I can JUST squeeze into the large. As I said I'll have to lose quite a bit before it fits properly which I should do anyway. I would've bought the extra-large but I think it would've been too loose in the shoulders. The problem areas at the moment are the tummy (duh) and the chest. Ten years ago, if you had told me that I wouldn't fit into a large size dress because my boobs would be too big, I'd have laughed in your face! And so would everyone who knew me...
I'm really into the idea of getting another (or more) tattoos latley. Partly because my sister brought up the idea of us getting matching tattoos and partly because I watched an episode of Miami Ink and now it's my new favourite show. I've been thinking about several different things I'd like. There is of course my marriage tattoo which I have to wait until Jay and I get married to get. But it's not in the running for now cause who knows when (or if) we'll even get married. I think that if Katie wants matching tattoos, she should get the one I already have (cause Katie means "pure" too) and I could get another one. We could do it together for the 'bonding' experience. I'd like for her to come here around the time of her birthday but she has school. Maybe one day.
I've looked up quite a few things I'd like. Mostly more Chinese characters and I'm leaning most towards loyalty. I'd like it not just to be the basic black tattoo on white skin though. I want to design it a little more. Here's what it looks like.
I think for that one, I'd like to get it on my lower back just above my pant line. My current tattoo isn't visible - it's too low. And I'd like it to be bigger than my existing. (My marriage tattoo has a reserved spot. I want it running vertically from the middle of my neck on my right side to however far down it goes. I don't want it big though.)
A few other things I've thought about are a koi fish in the traditional intricate japanese design, two monkeys (twins-gemini and year of the monkey), and - just last night on an episode of Miami Ink, a girl was getting a lotus and said the symbolism behind a lotus is that it grows up from the murkiest of ponds and stuff - I thought that would be cool - kind of like a flower that grows up to be beautiful after going through a really hard time and being trapped in a dark, murky place. The only problem with that is that I don't feel I've overcome enough for it to hold true for me yet. It's an idea that I'll hold onto for when I feel like I have triumphed.
Jay's in Edmonton and has been since last Wednesday. I miss him a lot. He's home tomorrow night though. YAY! If I keep up with my blogging, I'll be able to post some pictures too. (He has the camera with him right now so I have nothing to post.)
11.08.13 note~ i forgot about this post and said almost the exact same thing about the lotus tattoo in a post today. oops.
i did end up getting a real wedding dress and i cut up the one i bought that day (!!!) and used it along with a black and red mandarin shirt i had to make my guest book and ring bearer pillow.
i'm also sad to say the store "things" closed down a few years ago. boo~
I'm sitting here at the computer, wearing my insanely comfortable pucca slippers and a ratty old chixdiggit sweatshirt that USED to be black but is now a dingy charcoal with bleach stains on it (not from me), on my first day off in what seems like months (due to the drama surrounding the situation with a coworker who shall remain nameless to protect her privacy and little sanity left to her), but in actuality is only a week. Whilst perusing through my very long list of "links to check out thorougly before deleting" - otherwise known as "favourites", I thought to myself "why am I wasting my time reading through people's blogs that I don't know and aren't very interesting anyway when I haven't added a THING to my own blog in ages?". So, here I am. I don't really have anything to do on this glorious day off. I'm just doing some laundry and intend on cleaning the apartment.
What's new? Hmmmm.... I bought my wedding dress. Ssshhh! Don't tell Jay! It's actually what I plan to wear if we don't happen to have the big budget ceremony of my dreams with my custom wedding dress that I designed myself. This one I bought was on $79 (plus tax) and would work quite nicely if we do the simple civil service and if I lose 10 pounds or several inches off my waist. It's a white chinese dress. I didn't think they actually existed without the black or silver or gold through the embroidery! It's nice too. It has the simple cherry blossom embroidery pattern on it. Geena and I came across another one but the pattern was very heavy and it had pink piping all around it. Uck.
Anywho, I had seen this dress, like, a year ago and had been thinking about it ever since. It was at a store on Yonge Street that I frequent (because they have lots of cool asian gifties and "things" - incidentally the name of the store). I hadn't been back for awhile - obviously. Geena and I were downtown and we were heading up Yonge for bubble tea. It was SO freaking humid that I had to stop at least once a block to go into an air-conditioned space. It was on the way so I thought I'd stop in just to see if they still had it. YAY! Crazy asian sizing though. I can JUST squeeze into the large. As I said I'll have to lose quite a bit before it fits properly which I should do anyway. I would've bought the extra-large but I think it would've been too loose in the shoulders. The problem areas at the moment are the tummy (duh) and the chest. Ten years ago, if you had told me that I wouldn't fit into a large size dress because my boobs would be too big, I'd have laughed in your face! And so would everyone who knew me...
I'm really into the idea of getting another (or more) tattoos latley. Partly because my sister brought up the idea of us getting matching tattoos and partly because I watched an episode of Miami Ink and now it's my new favourite show. I've been thinking about several different things I'd like. There is of course my marriage tattoo which I have to wait until Jay and I get married to get. But it's not in the running for now cause who knows when (or if) we'll even get married. I think that if Katie wants matching tattoos, she should get the one I already have (cause Katie means "pure" too) and I could get another one. We could do it together for the 'bonding' experience. I'd like for her to come here around the time of her birthday but she has school. Maybe one day.
I've looked up quite a few things I'd like. Mostly more Chinese characters and I'm leaning most towards loyalty. I'd like it not just to be the basic black tattoo on white skin though. I want to design it a little more. Here's what it looks like.
I think for that one, I'd like to get it on my lower back just above my pant line. My current tattoo isn't visible - it's too low. And I'd like it to be bigger than my existing. (My marriage tattoo has a reserved spot. I want it running vertically from the middle of my neck on my right side to however far down it goes. I don't want it big though.)
A few other things I've thought about are a koi fish in the traditional intricate japanese design, two monkeys (twins-gemini and year of the monkey), and - just last night on an episode of Miami Ink, a girl was getting a lotus and said the symbolism behind a lotus is that it grows up from the murkiest of ponds and stuff - I thought that would be cool - kind of like a flower that grows up to be beautiful after going through a really hard time and being trapped in a dark, murky place. The only problem with that is that I don't feel I've overcome enough for it to hold true for me yet. It's an idea that I'll hold onto for when I feel like I have triumphed.
Jay's in Edmonton and has been since last Wednesday. I miss him a lot. He's home tomorrow night though. YAY! If I keep up with my blogging, I'll be able to post some pictures too. (He has the camera with him right now so I have nothing to post.)
11.08.13 note~ i forgot about this post and said almost the exact same thing about the lotus tattoo in a post today. oops.
i did end up getting a real wedding dress and i cut up the one i bought that day (!!!) and used it along with a black and red mandarin shirt i had to make my guest book and ring bearer pillow.
i'm also sad to say the store "things" closed down a few years ago. boo~
handmade guestbook for my wedding |
ring bearer pillow - made from that dress and another shirt |
Friday, May 06, 2005
i went out for bubbletea with Geena before my class yesterday. i met her at bubble tease and then we walked over to sushi inn where i had spicy tuna roll (my favourite!) and gyoza (japanese dumplings) and half of geena's food. she had teriyaki chicken and rice. MMMMMMmmmmmmmm. it was all so good. i forgot to get my green tea icecream! i've been craving it for weeks! i'm going to go to baskin robbins before work. MAYBE they might actually have some. oooooh, i hope, i hope, i hope!
i must go shower and get ready. shouldn't take me too long cause i'm merchandising again tonight. made the mistake of wearing tight jeans last week. (i had bruises on my waist line where my belt loops dug in!). today, i'm going to be smart. sweatpants!
i must go shower and get ready. shouldn't take me too long cause i'm merchandising again tonight. made the mistake of wearing tight jeans last week. (i had bruises on my waist line where my belt loops dug in!). today, i'm going to be smart. sweatpants!
Friday, April 29, 2005
i made a family tree!
it took me like, 2 and a half hours! it's on my website but it's not done yet so i haven't posted it. since my grandmother passed away... no one will know what's going on in each other's lives. she was the centre of the family (the matriarchal head) that talked to everyone and passed the news along. i'd like to get the email addresses of everyone in my family and post it on the tree so we can all keep in touch. it has birthday and anniversary info too. of course, YOU will never see it. i'm only giving the exact address to my family. it's got a lot of personal info so it wouldn't be safe (or polite) to let the whole world know. (Geena, if you want to see it, I'll let you... ) anywho, i'm proud of it.
current mood: productive
*02/05/15 i wish there had been a way to screenshot things back then. my geocities website was so freaking cool! (considering the technology available back then) i liked it because you had complete control over where exactly things were placed on the page. now, it's all structured and there isn't much freedom (right, middle, centre, etc.) poop.
the family tree was on a background that was this old school drawing of a gnarled-looking ancient tree. it was pretty amazing, if you ask me. all i've got now is my memories.
current mood: productive
*02/05/15 i wish there had been a way to screenshot things back then. my geocities website was so freaking cool! (considering the technology available back then) i liked it because you had complete control over where exactly things were placed on the page. now, it's all structured and there isn't much freedom (right, middle, centre, etc.) poop.
the family tree was on a background that was this old school drawing of a gnarled-looking ancient tree. it was pretty amazing, if you ask me. all i've got now is my memories.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
My NEXT tattoo
My first, and only, tattoo is pictured on the left. It's "pure" in Chinese. Karen means pure so I thought it would be appropriate.
Eventually, I'm going to get another one. After Jay and I get married though.
It says "dragon" (Jay's sign) "monkey" (my sign) "horse" (Jay's last name - which once we're married - mine) "love" and "forever". I don't know where I want it yet. Probably on my shoulder closer to my neck and running vertically instead.
I also want to get "loyalty" on my lower back (where Geena has her tattoo - good spot).
Eventually, I'm going to get another one. After Jay and I get married though.

It says "dragon" (Jay's sign) "monkey" (my sign) "horse" (Jay's last name - which once we're married - mine) "love" and "forever". I don't know where I want it yet. Probably on my shoulder closer to my neck and running vertically instead.
I also want to get "loyalty" on my lower back (where Geena has her tattoo - good spot).
My first one was done spontaneously and I didn't think about the placement carefully enough. It's too low.
I don't get this blog stuff yet. Someone teach me!!
For some reason, I wasn't given the option of the same background that Geena was. This one is okay but I added another blog to my profile for other people to join, kind of like a community I guess. I'm not sure how this blog thing works yet. I wanted that background for the other blog. So, being the resourceful person that I am, I went to her page, went to view source, copied it, switched her info for mine and then published it. It worked. I'm surprised! Thanks, G!
I should REALLY being heading of to sleep now. I have to work tomorrow morning then come home and write my stupid essay. I DID have Thursday off but, because I'm "bestest" (and you know that I am!) I took a wee little shift until 1:30. That means in order for me to hand my essay in on time, I have to write the entire thing from start to finish tomorrow after work. It's not really possible. I guess I'll be handing it in late. Which reminds me... I must email my professor and ask him the details about late marks. Is it 10% off per class day, per day, or per weekday?
Argh! I bought Texhnolyze vol. 5 and 6 for myself as a reward for working so many hours for free and I don't even have a chance to watch them! Whatever.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
and to add another to my collection...
aren't i silly! how many of these types of things do i have on the internet now?! not necessarily blogs (i only have one other one @ livejournal), but just meaningless wastes of space that no one will ever see except maybe the people i force and that will only be once or twice. other than that... just me and most of the time it's only for a while at first and then i forget about it
let's see:
asianavenue.com ~ honouraryasian
livejournal.com ~honouraryasian
bebo.com ~ wohngsikneuih
hi5.com ~wohngsikneuih
then, of course, there's my really cool website that i could never forget! if you really want to know more about me of see cool pictures and stuff i'm interested in ~ go there! http://www.geocities.com/wohngsikneuih
i don't know html but i'm going to try it out. hmmm... wonder if this will work
me and my boyfriend of four and a half years, Jay
let's see:
asianavenue.com ~ honouraryasian
livejournal.com ~honouraryasian
bebo.com ~ wohngsikneuih
hi5.com ~wohngsikneuih
then, of course, there's my really cool website that i could never forget! if you really want to know more about me of see cool pictures and stuff i'm interested in ~ go there! http://www.geocities.com/wohngsikneuih
i don't know html but i'm going to try it out. hmmm... wonder if this will work
Monday, March 21, 2005
I want nothing more out of life than to get to know people,
to understand them on a personal and psychological level. I want to see what
their life has been like, know their values, traditions, and beliefs. I’ve been
delving into cultures so different from mine for many years and to this point,
am amateur at best. It is in the east asian cultures where my true interest
lies. I intend to learn as much as I can from school, media, and travel. I’ve
often told people that I am ashamed of what “my” people have done throughout history.
(I am of anglo-saxon descent.) and that living in Canada where “white” culture is
shared by all and being so many minority groups of which I am not part of,
almost everyone seems to have their own unique culture as well, except me.
As I am growing older, talking to other “white folks” and
perhaps, from reading more, I’m beginning to see that I do have my own culture
not shared by others that is unique to my family and roots. I have not explored
it but in the passing of my maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather, I
have decided to do so.
I was sitting on my bed, reading Fifth Business by Robertson
Davies and, because I can’t do anything in pure silence for long periods of
time and having to read the entire book by, hopefully, 4 or 5 o’clock today, now being 2, I was
listening to music from the cable-satellite channels. If I listen to music
while reading, it has to fit the genre of the reading material so as not to jar
me out of concentration. Obviously for this novel, I could not be listening to
zen meditation or to top 40 crap. I tried to spa channel which is just soft
music but nothing good was on. The nature channel had some sort of African
chanting going on so I finally rested on “Swinging Standards”. It seemed
appropriate. It consists of music from WWII era. Although the novel takes place
in WWI era, I don’t see too much difference in the music of those times. I was
listening and reading when “Dancing in the Dark” came on. Immediately into my
head popped a vision of my granny and grandpa’s old living room with their archaic
transistor of chrome with many dials and gauges. It was what I call a friendly
room. Friendly rooms are generally characterized by the feeling they evoke in
me almost always directly linked to the quality of light. My grandparents had a
very large picture window in the living room and big, oversized furniture and
lots of little tidbits and tchotchkes for a small girl to stare at for hours.
It occurred to me within the last few bars of the song that I knew it. Maybe
from my dad’s big band cds and perhaps even from my granfather’s old radio.
I always preach to people the importance of getting to know
your family and history. I realize that, although I thought I did, I don’t
really know my grandparents. I’d like to get to know them before it’s too late
because once they are all gone, a part of me will be lost. I just don’t know
how to go about doing it.
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